A quality affordable Xray solution in your community

Designed for you to access quality and affordable Xray services right in your community when you need it most. Xray report in 2 hours, meaning that you save valuable time away from work.

We are here to support you

Need guidance on the process of an Xray and answers to some questions you may have?

How much does an Xray cost?

At Open Diagnostics we believe in making Xray diagnostics accessible not only through affordability but also simplicity, which is why we only have 2 standard prices for Xray exams.


E.g. chest, abdomen, knee, hip, pelvis, hand, finger, wrist, foot, forearm


E.g. abdominal including chest, knee including patella, lumbar spine, cervical spine, shoulder, skull, thoracic spine, humerus, mandible, facial bones

The price includes: Xray images + a radiologist diagnostics report which are sent directly to your referring doctor or nurse.

Get in touch with us for a quote or more information on pricing.

What payment methods do we accept?

Let us help you through the quick process of getting an Xray

Step 1

Find one of our centers near you

Step 2

Once checked in at the reception you will change in a cubicle

Step 3

You will then move to the Xray room and the Xray will be taken

Step 4

You will then return to the cubicle to change

Step 5

You are now done, your Xray report will be sent to your GP / nurse

What to expect inside the Xray room

Open Diagnostics
Alexandra Township

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm
Saturday 8am – 1pm

Open Diagnostics

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 9am – 6pm
Saturday 9am – 1pm